The DSI-7-Flex is a research-grade wireless dry electrode EEG system designed for versatile application of up to 7 sensors at any location. The DSI-7-Flex offers flexibility, portability, and high signal quality, opening the door to numerous applications that benefit from fast, user-friendly EEG recording.
Features and Benefits
- Integrated electronics module with amplifiers, digitizers, transmitter and power supply
- Can be configured to record EEG from up to 7 sensors + Linked Ears ear clip sensors (not shown in picture)
- Versatile sensor placement for exploratory investigations
- Double spring-loaded pods for mechanical stability and comfort
- Continuous impedance monitoring
- Bluetooth wireless transmission with sampling at 300 Hz
- Rechargeable Li-ion batteries allow continuous operation
- 4-bit digital trigger input
- Can be used with BraiNet or other harness systems
- Various optional electrode tip configurations: pinned, flat, single or double spring-loaded pods