A training ground to teach early users the tools and methods of eyegaze
Sensory EyeFX is a set of 30 software applications designed for the earliest level of eye gaze computer access.
Sensory Eye-FX has been developed specifically with gaze interaction in mind. It is designed to develop early cause and effect skills through fun and stimulating activities. These activities are designed to be used without the need for a calibration. Users can develop their screen engagement, tracking, targeting, selecting and creative skills with activities such as splat painting, making patterns and on-screen musical instruments.
The software is divided into 5 stages of exploration. These stages function as a training ground to teach early eyegaze users the tools and methods of eyegaze.
Level 1 – Blank screen engagement
Blank Screen Engagement activities allow learners to explore cause and effect – when they look something happens, when they look away it stops – this concept is fundamental to learning gaze interaction and needs to be explored in some detail.
Level 2 – Object displacement
Object displacement activities introduce some of the methods of gaze interaction such as dwell functions and basic targeting – here learners may begin to gain greater awareness as to how their gaze proximity activates a response from content in a certain area of the screen.
Level 3 – Zoned focusing
Zoned focusing, an ability to target specific areas of the screen is an important step in learning to control the mouse cursor. We want learners to be able to begin to fix their gaze in order to achieve a greater level of control and accuracy. At this point we are developing skills necessary to achieve a successful calibration.
Level 4 – Active exploration
It is of primary importance that learners are motivated to engage with the screen, active exploration activities encourage learners to engage with the wider area of the screen and have fun using their eyes.
Level 5 – Controlled targeting
Controlled targeting activities can help learners achieve greater control, a higher degree of accuracy and a more detailed understanding of the dwell function.